Monday, November 16, 2009

Back to Work

So it's been awhile but we've made the decision that it's time for me to go back to work. Kierra is now six weeks old. It's a little earlier than I thought but I feel great and I think that I'm as well adjusted as I'll ever be to life with two little ones.

I scored a job at the Nike Factory store at the outlet mall. So far I really like it a lot. I've been there for about two weeks. Everyone there is really friendly. I got hired on as seasonal help, but I'm hoping they keep me after the holidays. I've been working my butt off and taking on a lot of extra shifts for people. I have already been complimented on my hard work a few times. They seem to like me and my boss has said that there are opportunities to stay on after the season for those who want to. I am shooting for 25 to 35 hours a week, that would be ideal. That would give us a little extra money for bills and and spending money.

It has been a bit of an adjustment. John works the early shift, he is out the door by four every morning. So I usually get up with the baby during the weeknights. It's tough but I'm managing. I have had a few weekday shifts but they are usually four or five hours long, so I'm not totally exhausted when I get home.

John takes care of the girls on the weekends. I usually work a longer day. It tough for him with school work and everything, and he works full time during the week so all he wants to do on the weekend is relax a little. But he helps out where he can and so do I. It's all about compromise. The babies grow up so fast I feel a little bad leaving them, but sometimes we have to do things we don't really want to do. But I think as long as I'm not a slave to work at keep it under 40 hours a week it will be fine. And hey...the mall is closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I get to spend the holidays with my family!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Birth Story - Kierra

Kierra Evelyn has arrived!! She was due to arrive on the 9th of October, but came into the world on the night of the 6th, one day after her Daddy's birthday. I was hoping to be induced on the 7th in the morning, but I didn't even make it that far. Our little family of three has grown into a family of four, we are adjusting and doing well.

On Friday morning I started having contractions, not very painful but definitely stronger than the Braxton Hicks I had been experiencing for the past few weeks. John went to work, but then came home...he was too excited to even concentrate at work. Well I was kind of expecting to have a baby by the end of the day, but nothing. The contractions went away, would resurface that night, but eventually led to nothing. That was my weekend to sum it up. We were on pins and needles thinking it could happen at any moment all weekend long. You get tired of wondering at every little twinge if this is it.

John had a birthday on Monday. I was really hoping Kierra would decide to show up then, what a great birthday present for her Dad. On Monday evening, still no baby. I had a doctors appointment Tuesday morning. My doctor checked my cervix to see if I was dialated any. I figured I would be a centimeter or two because of all the contractions and pressure. I felt that if he said I was still closed I would have reached up and slapped him. That was not the case at all, in fact, I was already dialated to about four or five centimeters. That was shocking, I was halfway there. He asked me if I wanted to have my membranes stripped, this supposedly helps put some people into labor. It's about a one in three chance it could start labor in 24 to 72 hours. I thought it sounded like a long shot, but I thought it wouldnt hurt to try.

I told my doctor I was ready to have this baby and I wanted to be induced as soon as possible. He told me that they may not have room for an induction the next day, it would probably be Thursday. And the last thing he told me was to call if I felt any contractions, even if they were 10 minutes apart because it takes him 20 minutes to get to the hospital. I thought to myself I have been contracting on and off for four days some as close together as four will I really know? This was a scary thought, but I figured if this birth was anything like my last I will have plenty of time to get to the hospital.

Had my membranes stripped at 9am. Contracting on and off all day, like I was all weekend, but it was not painful at all. Fast forward to 5pm, I started having contractions literally in my bottom. It kind of felt like I was going to have a BM, or a gas bubble. They were about 10 minutes apart, still not painful just very uncomfortable. I told John that if they were still coming in about an hour that we should get ready to go to the hospital. Six oclock rolls around and they are still coming. I told John I was gonna call the hospital, he made arrangements for a sitter for Kylie. By 7pm we were checking into the hospital.

They hooked me up to the moniters, checking baby's heartrate and monitering my contractions. What a joke...the moniter was not even picking up the contractions. My nurse checked me at about 7:30, she claimed I was only 3 centimeters dialated. How did I go backwards? So we watched tv, I timed some of the contractions. They were coming about four minutes apart now. At about 8:30 the nurse asked me how I was feeling, I told her they were coming stronger and closer together. She looked at my moniter and said that all she was seeing was tiny contractions. They a little bit painful but not by any means unbearable. She said she'd check my cervix again at 9:30 and if I hadn't made much progress they'd send me home.

So, at 9:30 she checks me and said I had made progress, I knew it! The nurse said I was about a 7. She told me she was calling the doctor. They decided to hook me up to an IV. I have notoriously uncooperative veins. This process felt like it took them five hours. By this time I was contracting pretty hard and it was pretty hard for me to concentrate through them. I had developed 'the shakes' which I knew from last time giving birth that this was the home stretch. I am estimating that getting an IV in me, after three stabs in my arm, took about 15 minutes. My doctor had arrived at that time. Then they had to take blood. This I think took another five minutes or so of fiddling around with my arm. And here I am concentrating, staring at a brown spot on the ceiling just to get me through the contractions. My doctor waited patiently for the nurse to take blood before he checked my cervix. On the other side of me they started a drip of fentonol, to help with the pain. Aparently I had to wait for the blood to come back before I could get an epidural.

Well, by the time the nurse was done hooking me up and extracting blood I asked my doctor about an epidural. I felt the urge to push but held it back so I could get some meds. He said that he was gonna check my cervix to see where I was at, I think he knew I was already too far gone. Yup I was ready to have this baby. So he broke my water, which came out like a tidal wave, splashing John's arm. Bless his heart, he's such a trooper. And my doctor told me that if I felt to need to push to do it. Boy did I ever. I was so scared I kept telling them I couldn't do it, but I guess I did. After a few pushes John caught his daughter and I got to see Kierra for the first time.

I couldn't believe I had just given birth without my precious epidural. Yes it hurt, but it went so fast that by the time I realized I was in pain it was pretty much over. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would and the recovery so far has been so much easier than last time. No rips or tears. Kierra came in weighing 6lbs 1oz and 18 inches long. We all got to rest a little, which was nice. And we got to go home less than 24 hours later. Overall a very positive birth experience. It wasn't what I had planned or hoped for but I think I liked it better this way, we spent far less time in the hospital than with Kylie. I am glad to not be pregnant anymore, and I'm falling in love with my new little girl more and more everytime I look at her.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Cloth Diapers!!

No not the cloth diapers from Gramma's days. The ones that are around nowadays are pretty hi tech...if you ask me. I've started experimenting with what they call 'pocket diapers' They have a waterproof outer shell, so baby (and mom) stay dry. On the inside is a soft lining with a pocket on the back side of the butt, you slide in an absorbent fabric insert to soak up pees and poops. When it's time to change dump the poop in the toilet, if any, and take out the insert and throw the outer shell and the insert in a hamper to be washed. So far so good.

I think these are a good idea because the ones I have been purchasing are adjustable, they are meant to fit babies from 8 pounds up to 30. I don't think a brand new baby will fit in them right away, but after he or she gains a few pounds they should be able to work out well for him/her and Kylie. I have eight pairs right now. So I can keep Kylie in them for a day, and was them the next day or day after. I have more coming in the mail, because I just don't see myself doing laundry EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Laundering these diapers is a breeze. I bought a special detergent, not very expensive at all, with no fragrance or softeners or brighteners. A TINY scoop seems to do the job quite well. The box I bought is supposed to last 160 loads. If I can manage to keep up on the laundry, currently I'm a twice a week launderer, I believe I'll have loads (pun intended) of success cloth diapering my little ones.

I like to think that I'm helping the environment, I feel horrible throwing away pounds and pounds of disposable diapers. It's probably close to 50 pounds a week, and that's just one babys worth. We all know they don't decompose. They just sit there, where...I don't know? You'd think with all the diapers we are throwing out we'd see giant diaper mountains all over the place. Well who knows, but I feel better already for doing my part in cutting down on how many I'm throwing away. Buying disposables is basically like paying for garbage, use once and destroy. Pretty sad, it's like throwing your money away.

So, I will post an update once I'm in the full swing of things. It's been pretty exciting so far and I feel pretty confident that this is the right choice for me and my family. And that's always a good feeling.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's Official, my first real post. Introducing... ME!!

So, I'm no stranger to blogging. I've been recording snippets of my life on Myspace for three years now. Although I'm no professional, I do consider writing to be a passion of mine. Well not just the writing part of it, I enjoy the English language in general. It was definitely my favorite subject in school, and I always excelled in all my Language and Writing classes.

Enough about that. I'm ditching my Myspace blog, I'm hardly on Myspace anymore. But I am on Facebook, probably more than I really need to be. My goal with this blog, well I don't really have a goal. I do think my life is pretty interesting at times. I'm a mom, wife, daughter...I plan on documenting some of the more monumentous events in my life. Mix in a little of the day to day ongoings, sounds like a recipe for your standard blog right there doesn't it? Maybe somebody out there will find something useful from my little Blurbs. If not I hope at least maybe someone will get a chuckle or giggle out of them.